Sunday 26 June 2016

China, Russia Solidarity

China, Russia eye closer friendship amid tensions with West:

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian correspondent Vladimir Putin secure ever-closer cooperation and overlooked a series of deals on Saturday, because the 2 countries deepen ties within the face of growing tensity with the West.
      It was Putin’s fourth trip to China since Xi became President in 2013, the 2 men shared their perspectives with each other that reflects the countries’ joining enterprise, endowments and government interests.
       "Russia and China follows the points of views that square measure terribly near one another or square measure virtually identical within the international arena," said Putin . The Russian leader added that the two of them had mentioned "strengthening along the fight against international terrorism", the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, Syria, and stability within the South China ocean.
      Russia and China are brought along by mutual politics considerations, among them circumspection of the United States. The 2 countries usually vote as a pair on the international organization council, wherever each hold a veto, typically confliction to Western powers on problems like Syria.
          China has raised tensions with its neighbours and also the America over its claims to just about all of the South China ocean, where it has engineered militarized artificial islands to reinforce its claims within the Controversial but strategically important region. Russia’s incorporation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula and support for different Ukrainian skeptic movements have diode to the worst East-West drawn-battle since the conflict.
     Xi highlighted that this year marked the 15th anniversary of the China-Russia written agreement of friendly relationship and hoped that the 2 countries would possibly stay "friends forever". The 2 sides signed over thirty cooperation deals in areas like trade, infrastructure, foreign affairs, technology and innovation, agriculture, finance, energy, sports and also the media.
      Putin said that fifty eight totally different deals value a complete of around S$50 billion (S$67 billion) were presently in discussion, adding that the 2 countries can ask for to secure associate agreement on building a high-speed road in Russia by the tip of the year.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Rest In Peace Sabri

Amjad Sabri: Pakistani Sufi singer shot dead in Karachi:

One of Pakistan’s most famous and revered musicians, known for pious songs from  centuries-old mystic tradition, has been shot dead by Taleban gunmen in Karachi.
     "Two gunmen discharged on his car within the busy Liaqatabad space", said Police. Sabri died on his way to hospital.
       A spokesperson for the Pakistani Taleban, Qari Saifullah Mehsud, claimed responsibility for the killing and said Sabri was targeted as a result of the cluster thought-about his music sacrilegious, native media rumored.
        Sabri was a leading exponent of Sufi pious music, called Qawwali. Sufism, a tolerant, esoteric apply of Islam, has scores of followers in West Pakistan however is opposed by extremists.
       The Taliban, who read religious mysticism as unorthodox, are damned for previous assaults on targets coupled to Sufi Islam. however there are no such attacks within the past number of years, the BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad reports.
        Sabri, who was among the sub-continent's high Qawwali singers, was hit by 5 bullets, police mentiones. Another person, thought to be a relative, was wounded within the shooting and is claimed to be during a essential condition.
"It was a targeted killing and an act of terrorist act," a senior peace officer, Muqaddas Haider, was quoted by AFP news agency as expression.
      Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has condemned the attack and has directed the relevant authorities to bring the assassin to justice. Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali crowned head has taken notice of the incident and ordered IG Sindh to submit a report relating to the assassination. The CM has suspended DSP Liquatabad and SHO Liquatabad in accordance of the incident.
      His killing was met with shock and condemnation. Neighbours gathered outside the singer's home to supply condolences to his relatives, whereas TV channels broadcast recordings of his music in tribute.
      A profanity case was filed against Sabri last year once he mentioned members of the Prophet Muhammad's family in a very song. It's not well-known if the shooting is expounded to this incident.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Saudi,s Detainment

50 Saudis detained over necklaces haircuts report:

RIYADH:  Fifty young men are in remission in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for haircuts necklaces and alternative embellishments thought-about global organization mannerism, an un-Islamic act.
      The suspects were set back throughout  Ramzan suppression in Makkah, in line with Saudi news website Sabq. They were to handed over to the department of criminal investigations said Sabq that attended investigators throughout their visits to looking areas within the town.
       Officers noticed  variety of offences like strange haircuts chains that area unit adorned  upon the chest or arms head mantle and short garments and obscene ones   for each men and ladies reported  Sabq that is near the authorities.

        The enforcement team that is including girls suggested natives against habits and traditions that area unit against non secular teachings.
     The suppression against immoral behaviour by Saudi authorities comes when its morality police were ordered to be "kind and gentle" by the Saudi Cabinet in April. Below changes approved by the Saudi Cabinet, non secular officers aren't any longer ready to detain folks and instead should report violators "breaking the morality" to police or drug squad officers.
      An opinion issued by the Saudi football game association last April prohibited all players from having associate degree 'al-Qaza'-style hair cut, one that leaves half of the hair depilated whereas another part is unshaven .The fatwa, in its 1st application, saw 3 players in a very Saudi soccer match prohibited from playing Football till they modified their lifestyles.
      Saudi Arabia, an absolute Islamic autocracy, may be an extremely conservative country. Girls and women dress from head to toe in black and don't seem to be allowed to drive or mingle with unrelated men. However quite half Saudi voters aer underneath the age of twenty five, an Internet-sagacious generation that spends a lot of of its life on-line faraway from official criticism.
   Members of the Haia force, among whose duties was to watch people’s dress, will currently solely provide recommendation. They need to report violators to regular cops for followup.
        Islam's holy month of fast; Ramadan, that ends in early July, is one amongst the religion's 5 pillars. Throughout Ramadan the devoted should devote themselves to piousness and charity similarly as compassion and generosity.

Monday 20 June 2016

China's Catastrophe

South China floods kill 22, with more rain forecast:

Severe floods in southern China have killed a minimum of twenty two folks and left twenty missing since Saturday, the Govt. said,  "the rains expected to continue for succeeding 3 days."
    Storms had pushed water levels in rivers to dangerous levels, resulting in crop injury and therefore the prostrationof 10,500 houses, the official Xinhua agency reported .
     The economic losses of about 7.34 billion yuan ($1.1 billion), were Estimated.Three days of serious rain last week had already killed fourteen folks, Xinhua aforementioned on Friday..
     China has often times been destroyed by natural disasters, notably by floods and earthquakes.
        Flooding, associate in Nursing annual downside, has been provokedby populated area and poor drain framework in several cities.
       Chinese officials had warned of the potential for record floods this year owing to a powerful El Nino weather pattern, that warms sea-surface temperatures within the Pacific and has been coupled to serious crop harm, forest fires and flash flood, dehydration and
drought round the world.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Obama's Wine and Dine

Obama hosts Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman:

     US President Barack Obama has hosted Saudi Deputy prince Muhammad bin Salman at the White House during a move aimed toward thawing relations between the 2 countries when Washington's apparent reconciliation with its main regional rival, Iran.
       The 30-year-old Prince - who has become the actuation behind the economic reform and additional activist of Saudi policy - mentioned a bunch of challenges facing stability within the geographic region on Friday after meeting Obama within the Oval Office - a rare honour for a non-head of state.
    Mohammed bin Salman is the King's son and therefore the country's defense minister, however he has met the terribly prodigious of Washington's big hitters throughout a week-long visit. He adhered talks with the Central Intelligence Agency director, the secretaries of state, defense and treasury, further as leading members of Congress.
      The two men called for an associate adherence to termination
 of hostilities in Asian nation and a political transition to finish the reign of Bashar al-Assad. They conjointly mentioned the fight against the monotheism State of Asian country and also the Levant (ISIL, referred to as ISIS) cluster and also the conflicts in Iraq and Yemen.
    Briefing journalists when talks at the White House, Saudi government minister Adel al-Jubeir continual the kingdom's need to arm Syria's "Moderate Opposition" with ground-to-air missiles and continual a suggestion to deploy Saudi United States Army Special Forces in any US-led operation.
    Obama has been hessitating to examine U.S.A. forces drawn into another tug-of-warwithin the Middle East, and plenty of in Washington area unit involved that weapons sent to the rebels fighting Assad may make up the incorrect hands.
     The leaders conjointly mentioned the conflict in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is reinforcing a government in dispersion against the Houthi movement, that has been suspect of receiving assistance from Iran.
    Obama "welcomed Saudi Arabia's commitment to final a political settlement of the conflict" and therefore the Gulf Cooperation Council's efforts to deal with the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the White House said.
     Saudi Arabia has long observed an absence of US engagement within the region, notably within the face of what they see as Iran's "interference" in Asian country, Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere.

Friday 17 June 2016

California's Progress

California surpasses France as world's 6th-largest economy :

SAN FRANCISCO: California is currently the sixth-largest economy within the world, surpassing France, due to a sturdy state economy and robust U.S. dollar.

California was the world's eighth-largest economy in 2014, Irena Asmundson, chief social scientist of the California Department of Finance, said in a very phone interview on Friday. "California did exceptionally well in 2015."

France is that the world's seventh-largest economy with a growth domestic product of $2.42 trillion, and India is that the eighth-largest with $2.09 trillion, in line with the newest International money information.

  Asmundson said "California is home to various sturdy economies, as well as geographic region and Hollywood. Producing and agriculture have performed well despite a severe drought"

The most thickly settled U.S. state has outpaced the remainder of the country on job growth, California's finance department mentioned in its June bulletin in the week. Gross state product was $2.46 trillion in 2015, with 4.1 % of growth in real terms, it added.

U.S. gross domestic product grew by 2.4 % in 2015. Growth slowed to 0.8 % within the half-moon of 2016.

Tribute to MP

Cameron and Corbyn unite at the scene of Jo Cox's death to announce recall of Parliament for tributes:

"Where we see hatred, where we see division, we must drive it out of our politics"

Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn created an unexampled joint appearance that day.

Cameron and Corbyn have deliberately avoided one another on the vote campaign path for the past six weeks.

But they were united in grief aboard Commons Speaker John Bercow and shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn.

A shattered borough has move to pay tributes to Cox and MPs can currently take in Parliament on Monday.

Carrying bouquets and in the course of Commons Speaker John Bercow, and also the Commons man of the cloth Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, David Cameron associated Jeremy Corbyn created a somber look at an impromptu memorial to Jo Cox, inset prime left, the late Batley and Spen MP.

      The unprecedented  joint look by Mr Cameron, pictured birthing flowers bottom left, and Mr Corbyn marked the outpouring of grief in Westminster following the stunning killing yesterday. 

Mr Cameron said: "Where we have a tendency to see emotion, wherever we have a tendency to see division, wherever we have a tendency to see intolerance we have a tendency to should drive it out of our public life and politics."

 Mr Corbyn said: "This was associate attack on democracy, it had been a well of emotion that killed her."