Thursday 23 June 2016

Rest In Peace Sabri

Amjad Sabri: Pakistani Sufi singer shot dead in Karachi:

One of Pakistan’s most famous and revered musicians, known for pious songs from  centuries-old mystic tradition, has been shot dead by Taleban gunmen in Karachi.
     "Two gunmen discharged on his car within the busy Liaqatabad space", said Police. Sabri died on his way to hospital.
       A spokesperson for the Pakistani Taleban, Qari Saifullah Mehsud, claimed responsibility for the killing and said Sabri was targeted as a result of the cluster thought-about his music sacrilegious, native media rumored.
        Sabri was a leading exponent of Sufi pious music, called Qawwali. Sufism, a tolerant, esoteric apply of Islam, has scores of followers in West Pakistan however is opposed by extremists.
       The Taliban, who read religious mysticism as unorthodox, are damned for previous assaults on targets coupled to Sufi Islam. however there are no such attacks within the past number of years, the BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad reports.
        Sabri, who was among the sub-continent's high Qawwali singers, was hit by 5 bullets, police mentiones. Another person, thought to be a relative, was wounded within the shooting and is claimed to be during a essential condition.
"It was a targeted killing and an act of terrorist act," a senior peace officer, Muqaddas Haider, was quoted by AFP news agency as expression.
      Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has condemned the attack and has directed the relevant authorities to bring the assassin to justice. Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali crowned head has taken notice of the incident and ordered IG Sindh to submit a report relating to the assassination. The CM has suspended DSP Liquatabad and SHO Liquatabad in accordance of the incident.
      His killing was met with shock and condemnation. Neighbours gathered outside the singer's home to supply condolences to his relatives, whereas TV channels broadcast recordings of his music in tribute.
      A profanity case was filed against Sabri last year once he mentioned members of the Prophet Muhammad's family in a very song. It's not well-known if the shooting is expounded to this incident.


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